Atacameña Women Alliance

The pandemic in Chile has caused a setback of more than a decade in health and women's labor participation issues, highlighting the difficulties associated with generating resources in local economies. In order to be part of a sustainable recovery with gender equality, the Programa AMA – Alianza Mujer Atacameña is born. It aims to engage in constant dialogue with Atacameña women for the co-created proposal of relevant social intervention programs, with local relevance that aim at personal development, promoting autonomy, and the well-being of the inhabitants of the Atacama La Grande territory.

Direct interaction from SQM with women in the territory and the consideration of participatory methodologies for a relevant, co-created programmatic proposal developed in collaboration, allows us to continuously design activities and initiatives that target specific measurable purposes. Additionally, it recognizes the collective work among women, valuing such construction and the cohesion that these instances provide to those involved, which includes us.

Alianza para la Mujer Atacameña (AMA) is a virtuous alliance between SQM and Atacameña women rooted in the Atacama Salt Flat. Indigenous women play a key role within their communities, as well as in society at large, concerning the intergenerational transmission of their cultural and spiritual traditions, the living history of their peoples, and the promotion of their sustainable development. They also participate and represent in social organizations. This alliance aims to provide sustainable solutions to the specific needs of women in the territory. Through instances of participation, cohesion, and support, the goal is to promote personal development, autonomy, and the social well-being of Atacameña women, as well as to highlight the role of women in their various contexts.

Fondo de Apoyo Individual (Individual Support Fund)

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Work Tables

To help implement the strategic guidelines, the members of the Advisory Committee have in turn formed four working groups, allowing for a more focused approach through specific projects. The working groups focus on:

Cultural Heritage and Environment

Space focused on the maintenance, care, and enhancement of Lickanantay culture.
Learn more

Health and Healthy Living

Space focused on the healthcare of women from the Atacama territory.
[Learn more]](/programas#salud-y-vida-sana)

Agriculture, water conservation, and land care

The one that will seek the diligent use and care of natural resources, which are so precious and valued by the culture and the Atacameña Woman.
Learn more

Productive Promotion and Trade

Space dedicated to exploring new ways to add value to products, empower entrepreneurs and businesswomen, and coordinate strategies with other public or private organizations.
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What do our users say?

En está sección encontrarás testimonios de mujeres que han formado parte de la alianza mujer atacameña.

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